Praying Backwards: Transform Your Prayer Life by Beginning in Jesus' Name - Chapell, Bryan Review & Synopsis
Christians often say, "In Jesus' name" to close their prayers. But is this truly a desire of the heart or a perfunctory "Yours Truly" to God? Bryan Chapell says we should begin our prayers in Jesus' name-we should be Praying Backwards. In this practical and inspiring book, he shows readers that to truly pray in Jesus' name is to reorder one's priorities in prayer-and in life-away from oneself and towards Jesus and his kingdom. It is to pray believing in the power and the goodness of the One who hears, and thus to pray boldly, expectantly, and persistently.Readers seeking to transform their prayer lives will find wonderful direction in Praying Backwards.
"In Jesus' Name, Amen."Like the closing credits of a movie, these familiar words provide a signal that a prayer has come to an end. But what does it mean to offer our prayers in Jesus' name? Though we say the words, do we really mean them? And how would the content and character of our prayers change if we did?
Praying Backwards introduces believers to the transforming process of beginning our prayers in Jesus' name-not by moving a simple phrase, but by understanding and embracing the meaning behind the phrase. To truly pray in Jesus' name is to reorder our priorities in prayer-and in life-away from ourselves and toward Jesus and his kingdom. It is to pray, "Not my will, but your will be done." It is to pray boldly, expectantly, and persistently. If you want to revolutionize your prayer life, begin by Praying Backwards.
"Across the years I have learned so much from Bryan Chapell that I thought the laws of mathematics would keep me from learning much more. But it happened again!"-Calvin Miller, author; professor, Beeson Divinity School
"Finally, here is a book on prayer that puts the person of our Lord before the petitions on our lists."-Scotty Smith, senior pastor, Christ Community Church, Franklin, Tennessee
"With careful exposition of Scripture and helpful applications to daily life, Bryan Chapell encourages all of us to 'pray and not lose heart' (Luke 18:1)."-Jerry Bridges, author and speakerBryan Chapell is president of Covenant Theological Seminary and a former pastor. He is the author of numerous books, including the Gold Medallion finalist Holiness by Grace, as well as The Wonder of It All, The Promises of Grace, and Each for the Other. He lives in St. Louis, Missouri.
Praying Backwards
Christians often say, "In Jesus' name" to close their prayers. But is this truly a desire of the heart or a perfunctory "Yours Truly" to God? Bryan Chapell says we should begin our prayers in Jesus' name-we should be Praying Backwards. In this practical and inspiring book, he shows readers that to truly pray in Jesus' name is to reorder one's priorities in prayer-and in life-away from oneself and towards Jesus and his kingdom. It is to pray believing in the power and the goodness of the One who hears, and thus to pray boldly, expectantly, and persistently. Readers seeking to transform their prayer lives will find wonderful direction in Praying Backwards.
But it happened again!"-Calvin Miller, author; professor, Beeson Divinity School "Finally, here is a book on prayer that puts the person of our Lord before the petitions on our lists."
Systematic Theology, Second Edition
This new edition of Systematic Theology by Wayne Grudem is one of the most important resources for helping you understand Scripture and grow as a Christian. The most widely used resource of the last 25 years in its area, Systematic Theology has been thoroughly revised and expanded for the first time while retaining the features that have made it the standard in its field: clear explanations, an emphasis on each doctrine's scriptural basis, and practical applications to daily life. With nearly 250 pages of new content and revisions, this new edition now includes the following distinctive features: Updated analysis of recent controversies within evangelical theology, including the eternal relationship between the Father and the Son in the Trinity, the role of women in the church, miraculous gifts of the Holy Spirit, and contemporary worship music. New discussion and critiques of recent theological controversies situated outside of traditional evangelical theology, such as open theism, the "new perspective on Paul," Molinism (or "middle knowledge"), "Free Grace" theology, and the preterist view of Christ's second coming. Completely revised chapter on the clarity of Scripture. Completely revised chapter on creation and evolution, including a longer critique of theistic evolution and an extensive discussion on the age of the earth. New discussion of how biblical inerrancy applies to some specific "problem verses" in the Gospels. Additional material explaining evangelical Protestant differences with Roman Catholicism, Protestant liberalism, and Mormonism. Completely updated bibliographies. All Scripture quotations updated from RSV to ESV. Updated section on contemporary worship music. Numerous other updates and corrections. Part of the brilliance of Systematic Theology has been its simplicity and ease of use. Each chapter follows the same structure: discussion of the doctrine being considered, an explanation of that doctrine's biblical support and possible objections, followed by personal application and key terms to know for personal growth. Chapters also include a Scripture memory passage, references to other literature on the topic, and suggested hymns and worship songs. If you think theology is hard to understand or boring, then this new edition of Systematic Theology will change your mind.
Praying Backwards : Transform Your Prayer Life by Beginning in Jesus ' Name . Grand Rapids : Baker , 2005 . Clowney , Edmund . Christian Meditation . Philadelphia : Presbyterian and Reformed , 1979 . - . “ Prayer . ” In NDBT , 691-96 ."
The New Elder's Handbook
Pastors and church leaders are in need of mature, godly elders to ensure church health, but the training of elders is often entirely missing or badly neglected. What if there were a process to proactively call and train elders? The New Elder's Handbook is designed to equip elders with the knowledge, character, and skills the office calls for. It takes church leaders through the development of a vision for ministry, recruitment of elders to carry out that vision, and specific, biblical training, providing a way to be intentional about developing elders.
The Christian Athlete Training Journal: A 12 Week Workout, Nutrition, and Spiritual Logbook. KC13 Corporation, 2016. Challies , Tim . Do More Better : A Practical Guide to Productivity . Minneapolis: Cruciform, 2015. Chambers, Oswald."
Your Identity in the Trinity
Many believers struggle with assurance of salvation, tending to approach obedience to God out of either guilt or legalism. We exist to display God's glory, declare God's gospel, and disciple for God's Great Commission. Instead of embracing these truths, many Christians have believed the lie that their identity in Christ does not affect how they live their lives in obedience to him. The gospel tells us that "being" (identity) comes before "doing" (obedience). This lack of understanding our gospel identity frequently results in either legalistic pride or frustrating guilt. The purpose of this book is to help believers understand their identity in the three persons of the Trinity and then joyfully serve God with gospel obedience. The gospel indicatives in the Bible serve as the fountain and power for obeying the moral imperatives in the Bible. The gospel roots our assurance of salvation and motivation to obey God in our identity, not in moralism, which elevates our performance instead of exalting the finished work of Christ.
Christ -Centered Preaching: Redeeming the Expository Sermon. Grand Rapids: Baker, 1994. ———. Praying Backwards : Transform Your Prayer Life by Beginning in Jesus ' Name. Grand Rapids: Baker, 2005. Cheeseman, John. Saving Grace."
The True Jesus
A New York Times Bestseller! "Who do you say that I am?" Uttered by Jesus Christ, this profound question has presented an age-old challenge to believers, skeptics, scholars, and rulers. In attempting to answer this question, The True Jesus goes straight to the unimpeachable source: the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Only in the Gospels, says #1 New York Times bestselling author David Limbaugh, do we come face-to-face with the Son of God, Whose sublime teachings, miraculous actions, and divine essence leap off every page and into our hearts. In this book, Limbaugh combines the four Gospel stories into a unified account (though not, he humbly admits, a perfect harmony) and guides readers on a faith journey through the Four Evangelists' testimonies of the life of Jesus Christ. Along the way, Limbaugh shares his insights on Jesus' words and deeds as well as His unique nature as fully human and fully divine. In The True Jesus, you will learn: - Why even the apostles failed to completely understand Jesus' true identity and mission until after His crucifixion - The real basis for the rejection of Jesus' message by skeptics in His hometown and elsewhere - The historical events preceding Jesus' birth that providentially paved the way for Christianity - How Jesus' message utterly contradicted modern attempts to portray Him as being non-judgmental Limbaugh's passion for the Gospels infuses the pages of The True Jesus, which is both a primer for new Bible readers and an outstanding guide to the Gospels for long-time believers. Who really is the true Jesus? Open this book and begin your odyssey toward the answer.
Moore, The Chronological Life of Christ , 177. Ibid., 185. Bryan Chapell, Praying Backwards : Transform Your Prayer Life By Beginning in Jesus ' Name (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker, 2005), 187. Derek W. H. Thomas, Acts. (R. D. Phillips, ..."
Let Us Pray: A Symposium on Prayer by Leading Preacher and Theologians
When our Lord's disciples came to Him regarding prayer, they did not ask Him to teach them how to pray, but rather they asked Him to teach them to pray. Obviously even those closest to Christ needed to learn to pray. And so do we. Here, some of our best Bible teachers and expositors give us instruction on prayer, from why we should pray, to what prayer is, how it ties in with God's sovereignty, what it means to pray in Jesus' name, what it means to hallow God's name, and why God is to be the focus of our prayers, not ourselves. These, and many other topics, are addressed in this helpful book.
[3] Bryan Chapell, Praying Backwards in Jesus ' Name: Transform Your Prayer Life by Beginning in Jesus ' Name (Grand Rapids: Baker, 2005). John 15:16, “You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear ..."
The Publishers Weekly
Enduring THE RECENT SUCCESSES of Grant : Memoirs and Selected Letters and Americans in Paris : A Literary Anthology are ex- amples of the way the Library of America is " expanding what the notion of great American literature is , " said ..."
Teología sistemática - Segunda edición
Con varios cientos de páginas de contenido nuevo, esta nueva edición ahora incluye las siguientes características distintivas: Análisis actualizado y completo de varias controversias recientes dentro del evangelicalismo, incluida la relación eterna entre el Padre y el Hijo en la Trinidad, la cuestión de la eternidad atemporal de Dios, el papel de la mujer en la iglesia, las iglesias «sensibles al buscador», los dones milagrosos del Espíritu Santo y música de adoración contemporánea. Nuevas y reflexivas críticas al teísmo abierto, la «nueva perspectiva sobre Pablo», el Molinismo o «conocimiento intermedio», la teología de la «gracia libre» y la visión preterista de la segunda venida de Cristo. Completamente revisado, un capítulo más fuerte sobre la claridad de las Escrituras. Completamente revisado, un capítulo más fuerte sobre la creación y evolución (incluyendo una crítica más larga de la evolución teísta). Nueva discusión sobre cómo la inerrancia bíblica se aplica a algunos «versículos problemáticos» específicos en los Evangelios. Material adicional que explica respetuosamente las diferencias evangélicas protestantes con el catolicismo romano, el liberalismo protestante y el mormonismo. Bibliografías completamente actualizadas. Una explicación de por qué los monógenos en Juan 3:16 y en otros lugares deben traducirse como «unigénito» en lugar de simplemente «solo» esto es un cambio de la primera edición. Una canción de adoración contemporánea agregada al final de cada capítulo (conservando también los himnos tradicionales). Otras numerosas actualizaciones y correcciones. Parte de la brillantez de la Teología sistemática a lo largo de los años ha sido su simplicidad y facilidad de uso. Cada capítulo sigue la misma estructura. Primero, se discute la doctrina que se está considerando, como la justificación o la Trinidad o la deidad de Cristo. Una explicación de dónde se apoya esa doctrina en la Biblia y siguen las posibles objeciones. Luego se proporcionan la aplicación personal y los términos clave que se deben conocer para el crecimiento personal. Los capítulos también incluyen un pasaje de memoria de las Escrituras, referencias a otra literatura sobre el tema e himnos sugeridos y canciones de adoración. Si eres alguien que piensa que la teología es difícil de entender o aburrida, entonces esta nueva edición de Teología sistemática probablemente te hará cambiar de opinión. Systematic Theology, Second Edition The most widely-used text of the last 25 years in its discipline, Systematic Theology by Wayne Grudem has been thoroughly revised and expanded (all 57 chapters) for the first time while retaining the features that have made it the standard in its field: clear explanations, an emphasis on each doctrine’s scriptural basis, and practical applications to daily life. Part of the brilliance of Systematic Theology over the years has been its simplicity and ease of use. If you are someone who thinks theology is hard to understand or boring, then this new edition of Systematic Theology will likely change your mind.
Teach Us to Pray : Prayer in the Bible and the World. Grand Rapids: Baker; Exeter: Paternoster, 1990. Chapell, Bryan. Praying Backwards : Transform Your Prayer Life by Beginning in Jesus ' Name. Grand Rapids: Baker, 2005."
Teologia Sistemática (GRUDEM)
Nesta nova edição, todos os 57 capítulos foram totalmente revisados e ampliados, sem perder as características que fizeram da obra o livro-texto em sua área: explicações claras, ênfase na base escriturística de cada doutrina e aplicações práticas para a vida diária. Com aproximadamente 250 páginas de conteúdo novo e revisões que levaram vários anos, esta nova edição ficou ainda melhor. Confira alguns aspectos distintivos: análise de diversas controvérsias recentes no mundo evangélico, incluindo o papel das mulheres na igreja, igrejas seeker-sensitive, dons miraculosos do Espírito Santo e a música de louvor contemporânea; novas e elaboradas críticas do teísmo aberto, da "nova perspectiva de Paulo\
Teach us to pray : prayer in the Bible and the world (Grand Rapids/Exeter: Baker/Paternoster, 1990). CHAPELL , Bryan. Praying backwards : transform your prayer life by beginning in Jesus ' name (Grand Rapids: Baker, 2005)."
Teologia Sistemática (volume 2)
Teologia Sistemática (2 vol.) é a opus magnum de John Frame. Ela é totalmente ancorada no território mapeado pelos padrões confessionais de Westminster. Em cada ponto, suas reflexões investigadoras, lúcidas, pacientes e detalhadamente pesquisadas demonstram sua maestria; o tom amigável do seu estilo torna-se a colher de açúcar que faz a mistura descer à mente e ao coração, a cada vez do modo mais agradável possível. Claramente, o leitor ideal visado por Frame é o seminarista ou o estudante de teologia que um dia estará ensinando na igreja; seu objetivo pervasivo é levar esse aluno a ser um comunicador da verdade revelada de Deus que seja humilde, fiel, cheio de Bíblia, reverente e que ama a Cristo. Além do seu público primário, Frame escreve para todos os que têm esse instinto e que querem pensar sobre as coisas divinas com alguma minúcia. O objetivo da teologia, como Frame a entende (e não há nada de extraordinário aqui), é o conhecimento organizado sobre Deus e sobre nós, no contexto da nossa vida passada, presente e futura. Esse conhecimento, que é tanto cognitivo quanto relacional, deve basear-se, do início ao fim na Palavra escrita de Deus – a Bíblia. Frame percebe e enfatiza que, visto que Deus é infinito e nós somos finitos, nosso conhecimento a respeito dele e a respeito do nosso relacionamento com ele só pode ser perspectivista – e o será na sua melhor expressão –, ou seja, é constituído por um conjunto de perspectivas distintas, mas correlatas, cada uma provendo um foco temático complementar ao das demais perspectivas. [...] Dentro desse compromisso cuidadosamente construído com o perspectivismo que estrutura sua obra, Frame opta por um procedimento regular que pode ser denominado análise heurística triádica, a qual abre cada ponto de essência teológica subdividindo-o em três. O procedimento parece surgir do avanço demonstrável no entendimento que Frame alcançou primeiramente na sua análise arquétipica do senhorio de Deus (isto é, sua soberania) em termos de controle, autoridade e presença. Embora não reivindique categoricamente uma conexão entre o triperspectivismo e a verdade da Trindade, Frame a pratica habitualmente como uma técnica didática infalível (nas suas próprias palavras: "um bom mecanismo pedagógico, um conjunto de ganchos nos quais pendurar as doutrinas da fé"). Em suma, portanto, Teologia sistemática reúne, simplifica, resume e aumenta toda a sabedoria contida na série de Frame sobre o senhorio em quatro volumes. É um digno clímax ao trabalho de vida de alguém que sempre buscou ser um servo fiel de Cristo, ensinando na sua igreja. (J. I. Packer, da Apresentação)
The Valley of Vision: A Collection of Puritan Prayers and Devotions. Edimburgo: Banner of Truth, 1975. CHAPPELL, Bryan. Praying Backwards : Transform your Prayer Life by Beginning in Jesus ' Name. Grand Rapids: Baker, 2005. MILLER, Paul."
Every Season Sacred
What does it look like to live a flourishing, messy, wonderful life together? As parents, we're tasked with nurturing and guiding our children, even as we navigate our own wonderings about faith. In the overwhelm and constant demands of life, is it possible to tend to our own souls and to our family's flourishing? With tender curiosity and contemplative wisdom, Every Season Sacred is a weekly invitation to grow spiritually alongside our children. Blending thoughtful musings and practical resources, author Kayla Craig meets parents right where they are, offering honest and hopeful reflections for every season of the parenting journey; encouragement to parent with intention and imagination, presence and purpose; and open-ended discussion prompts and prayers to explore and practice as a family. Every Season Sacred is an invitation to ask big questions, embrace faithful rhythms, and experience God's mysterious, loving presence together. You don't have to have all the answers--and if we're honest, many answers aren't ours to have. This is the beauty of faith. As you parent your children and explore your questions together, may God reveal sacred moments to you--in each season of your life.
Reflections, Prayers , and Invitations to Nourish Your Soul and Nurture Your Family Throughout the Year Kayla Craig ... Ruth Haley Barton, Sacred Rhythms: Arranging Our Lives for Spiritual Transformation (Downers Grove, IL: IVP Books, ..."
Acidic Prayer against Dream Killers
This book gives accurate and vivid answer to dreams that makes heart break after sleep. Bad dreams are not palatable to mind. Christians find it difficult to absorb bad dreams because of its consequence. Bad dreams make one sick in the heart. The meaning to bad dream, its consequence and the way out give birth to this book. Bad dream is one of the dark ways dark powers use to humiliate, demonstrate and carry out evil activities. Bad dream is loaded with doom. It carries: 1. Disappointment 2. Failure 3. Sorrow 4. Stagnancy and 5. Backwards if it is not quickly addressed. Here, you need good interpretation of such dream so that you take right step to checkmate the effects of such dream. Bad dream stands for rod of warning ahead. It warns you to prepare and cancel it in prayer and in action. It is bad to wallow in confusion, disaster or defeat. To avoid these, you need this Holy Spirit vomited prayer book, loaded with accurate interpretation and meaning. With this book in your hands, enemy will find it difficult to wrestle you down. You will be too difficult for enemy to handle, too hot and impossible to be dragged on the floor. You are a winner. Pick this book and shine by fire!
With this book in your hands, enemy will find it difficult to wrestle you down. You will be too difficult for enemy to handle, too hot and impossible to be dragged on the floor. You are a winner. Pick this book and shine by fire!"
The Manual for Life
Every inventor writes the manual for the use of his invention. A car has an owner's manual, written by the manufacturer. God the creator/inventor of the universe has written a Manual for His creation, the earth. The irrefutable fact remains that people are either not reading or yielding to the Manual since as statistics indicate 80%-85% of the US population profess to be Christians. Despite the large number of believers, we have a huge disconnect between the practices of people and the ethos of the dictates of the Bible (The Manual). Disagreements on subjects like prayer in schools, debate on the death penalty, abortion, homosexuality and divorce exist when the manual is clear on these subjects. This work makes the case that the reader obeys and uses the Word of God as the manual it ought to be. It is an authentic document proven by historical, prophetic, miracles and the life changing spiritual facts. It also looks at the major world religions, discussing how to use the manual and what not to do with it and invites people to come to life by the shed blood of Jesus. BIOGRAPHY: Dr. Bonaventure C. Okoro MD is an Internist in private practice in Toledo Ohio in the United States. Born in Nigeria, he did his medical education at the University of Medicine & Pharmacy in Cluj-Napoca Romania. After a brief practice in Nigeria, he did his training in Internal Medicine and Emergency Medicine at Howard University in Washington DC. Dr. Okoro now resides with his wife and four children in Ohio, USA and a member of Corner Stone church, a global ministry under the pastoral leadership of Bishop Michael Pitts. His time is spent in full time medical practice and is deeply involved in medical missionary work to different regions of the world.
Chapter 7 Hahn, Scott and Jeff Cavins. Our Father's Plan (Tape Series) Ft. Collins, CO: Ignatius Press, 1996, Vaticana , Libreria Editrice . Catechism of the Catholic Church . Washington D.C.: USCCB Publishing, 1994."
Praying Together
The Bible shows many stories of people coming together in times of need, crying out to God in a spirit of unity, and seeing powerful answers to their prayers. Praying Together invites you to begin the adventure of prayer and watch God move like never before! In this engaging guide to corporate prayer, you’ll examine the practices of the early church, and discover God’s presence and power today in fresh and exciting ways. You’ll find wisdom from Scripture, tips to help you build your confidence, questions for reflection, a guide for organizing a prayer group, and more.
What is the first thing Jesus taught the disciples to pray for? Is this a priority in your prayers as well? 4. Why can we be assured of an answer when we pray God's ... Does God change His will when we struggle in prayer and prevail? 6."
How to Fast Successfully - Indonesian Bahasa
How long should I fast? How often? Should I abstain from food only, or also from fluids? How to obtain the greatest benefits from fasting, both spiritual and physical."
The Prayer
How can sixty-eight words change the world? Seems impossible. An even greater mystery, these words come in the form of a prayer. Christopher Levan shows how early Christians used what we now call The Lord’s Prayer as a building block for their movement. It was from these sixty-eight words that they created the backbone and determination to shape a religious movement that would dramatically alter human history. Walking step by step through The Prayer, Levan will show how Jesus of Nazareth adapted the economic and spiritual principles from his Jewish heritage and teaching, to direct his followers in a simple, yet very profound conversation with their Creator. In The Prayer, Jesus’ disciples found words to build God’s reign on earth: “the kingdom of God.” Obviously, these sixty-eight words are not just words. They have power. They enact what they express. And far from spent, these words still contain the ability to enliven and shape the current expressions of God’s reign here and now.
Christians prayed their household into reality. ... Disciples of Jesus prayed their living , they made it happen. Prayer was a ... We know without doubt that the actual words of a prayer can't transform our lives —not on their own."
There are no easy ways of solving our harms and troubles in life, but there are simpler ways in which we can transcend those difficult moments in our life. In trying to divulge the acumen at the back of achievement, this book serves as a pillar of encouragement, inspiration to buttress your psyche explicitly to withstand the wave as it comes your way in life. There is something eccentric about you! When you read this book, you will be inform and equip to face those realities before you.
To pray is to ask. ... The lesson hereis that Mary asked and Jesus alsoasked, andfor this singular act, their request became evident in the ... They keep on advancing even when others are running backwards or retrograding in life ."
What Is Your Relationship with Your Sword, the Lord's Prayer
This book is designed for the children of God so that it may lead them back to the basics. This is the power of the Lord 's Prayer because it has been pushed aside because of other beliefs. Now, just look at our USA. It is in a mess because we stopped chasing God's prayer and started chasing things, inventions and money that have caused God's sheep to leave the fold and follow the heathen ways worldly. I was led to write these lessons and turn them into this book. I hope it will help you. God Bless you. Talk with you soon it is another book on the way Sheep of God look for the Power of it. "The Messenger of God. 04/ 20/ 09
change our Spiritual Condition of our Life Style. Ok” and our Minds and most of all Deep within our Hearts so The Devil cannot steal your true life style the way that Jesus Word says. Now the 8th word that Jesus said was {Heaven-Gen ..."
Contemplative Retreat
"In the depths of their hearts, many people feel a deep longing for God to shape their lives. They are in search of true prayer and personal union with God. In this book, the author offers guidance based on his personal life, spiritual growth, and extensive pastoral experience. Step by step, in ten units, he leads the participant toward an immediate awareness of the reality of God and of his presence. The book can be used as a practical guide for a closed retreat or for a retreat in everyday life"--Publisher's description, back cover.
An Introduction to the Contemplative Way to Life and to the Jesus Prayer Franz Jalics. I began to pray , to praise God, and began to converse with him. I spoke to him for a long time in prayers of praise. I told him much of my life and ..."
Prayers for a New Way: A Prayer Book for the Heart
For those who can't find the words right now ... God hears the prayer of the heart. "Prayers For A New Way" is a collection of original prayers that will bring healing and hope. Jesus is knocking at the door of our hearts. These prayers will help us to let Him in.
... the prize of God's upward calling, in Christ Jesus " (Philippians 3:1314). Dear Lord, I have become so used to seeing my life in retrospect but now I want to begin seeing a bright future ahead. I don't want to walk backwards anymore."
Becky's Book: The ABC's of Christ's Healing
A devotional book written for a sister during her fight with cancer. The book is easy-to-read, scripturally based and supports any family battling the disease. Cancer physically, emotionally, and spiritually attacks a person and their loved ones. The book uses God's word to offer hope and encouragement to all who read it.
Father, if I could move backwards , I would turn toward You more quickly. ... Should of.... would of.... could of.... none of my regrets will change what lies ahead. ... PRAY THE VERSE: Lord God, You created my life . You L ..."
“Where Your Knowledge Ends Is Where Mine Begins”
This book is for people to know about God. Don't be impressed with what you read about the writer because Man's time on earth is only but temporary. God will be here today, tomorrow, and forever. Most of the names I mentioned in this book are those that I love; they are in the book of my life and I pray they will all be in God's book of life.
Being born again is leaving your old ways behind and practicing what the gospel of Jesus Christ preaches. ... Satan knows how to recite the Lord's Prayer backwards . ... Why can't the Christians pray each and every day of their life ?"
Word From Poustinia, Book I
From the Introduction: I live in one of the poustinias at the Madonna House. As many people know from Catherine Doherty’s book Poustinia, the word means “desert” in Russian. A poustinia is a small cabin where people ordinarily go for a day of prayer and fasting, though some, like myself, live there several days a week as a way of life. This book contains “words” that I heard the Lord speaking to me. Many of them were shared at the Eucharist in the form of homilies; some were originally in the form of letters sent to my Madonna House family; some few were written for publication elsewhere; still others were jotted down for no particular reason. Writing from the poustinia is one of my ways of preaching the good news of Jesus, the exalted and unmerited privilege for which I was ordained.
But in your prayer , when you pray “ Come Lord Jesus , ” remember what you're asking for . God wants to come ; he'll be with you . But he might turn your life upside down . He might change your attitudes ; in fact , he will !"
A Loud Voice In A Quiet Place
With the roaring sound , I prayed in the unknown tongues with all my heart , soul and being . ... When the foundation of our prayer life is the words of Christ , the anointing of God will fall upon us with power ."
Prepare for the Great Tribulationa Nd the Era of Peace
in their actions and how they prayed . Jesus said : My people , there are some faiths that are more dedicated to prayer in their lives than those in My Catholic Church . Even though many do not believe that I am the Son of God , they do ..."
21 Days of Prayer
As a born-again believer examining himself/herself before the Lord, it is my desire to make sure that they are on the right path that leads to eternal life. One can be rest assured with that in praying a prayer that would cause them to look within themselves to see if they are of the faith. If you are in doubt, pray this prayer on a daily basis so that it would become a part of you. As I come before you, Lord, forgive me of all my sins, those that I know of and those that I don’t. Continue to create in me a clean heart, and renew a right spirit within me. Most of all, God, please do not take your Holy Spirit from me but restore unto me the joy of thy salvation. Lord, if you take your Holy Spirit from me, I can’t live the way you desire me to live. If you take your Holy Spirit from me, I can’t love the way you desire me to love. If you take you Holy Spirit from me, I can’t forgive they way you want me to forgive. I ask all these things and then some that I can’t do without you abiding on the inside. Lord, thank you for restoring me to my rightful place in you and walking in your Word the way you ordained it from the foundation of the world. I give you all the praise and honor for having a mind to do what you are calling me to do in Jesus’s name. Amen!
Keep me in every area of my life . Keep my mind, body, and soul. I give my heart to you because I can't guard it the way you do. As you transform me into your image on a daily basis; go before me and lead and guide me in all truths for ..."
The Bible Christian magazine, a continuation of the Arminian magazine
I do not , however , expect to be at home to take any appointments on Sunday You had better get Mr. Gay to fill them , as it is the Anniversary of Hittisleigh ... In that case I shall stay at Exeter until the end of the Conference ."
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