Catholic Bible Dictionary Review & Synopsis


More than a generation has passed since the appearance of the last major Catholic Bible dictionary. It has been a fertile generation for biblical scholarship, an eventful time for biblical archaeology, and a fruitful time for the Church's interpretation of the Bible. It is time for a new resource.

Scott Hahn, internationally renowned theologian and biblical scholar, has inspired millions with his insight into the Catholic faith. Now he brings us this important reference guide, written specifically for Catholics, which contains more than five thousand clear and accessible entries and covers a wide range of people, places, and topics. From Genesis to Revelation, the whole of salvation history is presented and explained in smart, easy-to-understand prose.

Catholic Bible Dictionary is an invaluable source of information, insight, and guidance for Catholics and others who are interested in enriching their understanding of Sacred Scripture. Scott Hahn draws from two millennia of scholarship to create an accessible and comprehensive tool for deeper and more rewarding biblical study.


General editor Scott Hahn is founder and president of the St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology ( A professor at Franciscan University of Steubenville, he also holds the Pope Benedict XVI Chair of Biblical Theology at St. Vincent Seminary in Latrobe, Pennsylvania. He is the author of many books, including The Lamb's Supper (Doubleday), Kinship by Covenant (Yale), Covenant and Communion: The Biblical Theology of Benedict XVI (Baker Academic), and A Pocket Guide to the Bible (Our Sunday Visitor). His academic work has appeared in Catholic Biblical Quarterly, Journal of Biblical Literature, and Currents in Biblical Research. He is editor of the Ignatius Catholic Study Bible and Letter & Spirit: A Catholic Journal of Biblical Theology.


A dictionary is, by definition, a reference book listing terms important to a particular subject along with a discussion of their meanings and applications. 

If the Bible is what Christians say it is, can there be any task more daunting than the compiling of a Bible dictionary? For we be�lieve that the Bible is the written Word of God. We believe it is "inspired by God" (2 Tim 3:16). We believe it is not a dead letter, but "living and active" (Heb 4:12). We believe it "must be fulfilled" (Luke 22:37) and "cannot be broken" (John 10:35). What's more, it is not subject merely to private interpretation (2 Pet 1:20), but to the discernment of the Church. For people can easily "twist" Scripture "to their own destruction" (2 Pet 3:16). 

The Bible is as sharp as any two-edged sword (Heb 4:12), and thus it should be handled with care. 

Yet it should indeed be handled. The Bible itself exhorts us to attend to its study (1 Tim 4:13) and praises those who "examine the Scriptures daily" (Acts 17:11). 

We live in a time of unprecedented oppor�tunities for Bible study. In the 1970s the Cath�olic Church revised its lectionary-the order of scriptural readings for the Mass. The read�ings now unfold in a three-year cycle and in�clude all the books of both testaments of the Bible. The schema proved so effective in com�municating the Word of God that it has been adopted and adapted by many Protestant bod�ies as well. Historians may one day judge the new lectionary to be the most significant ecu�menical advance of the twentieth century. 

The Mass is the one thing that Catholics experience on a weekly basis all their lives, and the Bible is the one book that they will hear at every Mass. Since Masses on Sundays and holy days usually include three readings from the two testaments, plus a fourth from the book of Psalms, the average faithful Catholic spends about fifteen hours a year in focused Bible study. If you include the other overtly biblical parts of the Mass (the "Holy, Holy, Holy," the "Lamb of God," the "Lord, Have Mercy," and so on), the average time per annum doubles or triples. For the Catholic who goes to daily Mass, the times are quite impressive, rivaling even the hours spent by some scholars. 

What does the lectionary mean, practi�cally speaking? It means that Catholics who keep to their minimum obligations-atten�dance at Mass on Sundays and holy days-are immersed in the Bible. What's more, since the lectionary itself is held in common by a grow�ing number of Christians, we find that Catho�lics and Protestants may find, more and more, that they are "on the same page," so to speak. 

The lectionary is the greatest, but surely not the only great new opportunity for Bible study. The Bible is not only fully divine, but also fully human; and so we have to work with its literary sense and historical background in order to get to the theological meaning. And, again, we are blessed to live in a season of abundance. 

Of the making of new books-and Bibles- there is no end. Publishing in the fields of bib�lical studies and translation is at an all-time high. The airwaves are thick with television and radio shows that claim to represent a bib�lical worldview. Software packages enable us to search the Scriptures with the speed and ac�curacy that ancient monks imagined to be im�possible this side of heaven. 

Yet even with all these tools, major longi�tudinal studies seem to indicate that biblical literacy-among all Christians-is not ad�vancing, but declining. Thus, there is a wide�spread need for a fresh statement of the basic terms we encounter in reading the Bible. 

More than a generation has passed since the appearance of the last major Catholic Bible dictionary. It has been a fertile generation for biblical scholarship. It has been an eventful time for biblical archaeology. It has been a fruitful time for the Church's interpretation of the Bible. It is time for a new resource. I pray that my colleagues and I have lived up to our task. I pray, too, that our readers will live up to theirs. 

In this book, our range is catholic and in�clusive, and so we privilege the Church's ancient canon, which was ratified at the Coun�cil of Trent. We treat the "deuterocanonical books"-Tobit, Baruch, Judith, Wisdom, Eccle�siasticus (Sirach), 1 Maccabees, and 2 Macca�bees-as inspired Scriptures. We also recognize the longer forms of Daniel and Esther. We have been pleased to assimilate the great contribu�tions of historical-critical scholarship, but we have also relied upon the Church's interpretive tradition and Magisterium. 

Responding to the call of the magisterium, we have produced this book. The Church, af�ter all, "forcefully and specifically exhorts all the Christian faithful . . . to learn the sur�passing knowledge of Jesus Christ, by frequent reading of the divine Scriptures." So says the Catechism of the Catholic Church, and then it concludes by quoting the great Scripture scholar of the first millennium, St. Jerome: Ig�norance of the Scriptures is ignorance of Christ. 

~Scott W. Hahn, Ph.D. September 30, 2008 Feast of St. Jerome~

Catholic Bible Dictionary

More than a generation has passed since the appearance of the last major Catholic Bible dictionary. It has been a fertile generation for biblical scholarship, an eventful time for biblical archaeology, and a fruitful time for the Church’s interpretation of the Bible. It is time for a new resource. Scott Hahn, internationally renowned theologian and biblical scholar, has inspired millions with his insight into the Catholic faith. Now he brings us this important reference guide, written specifically for Catholics, which contains more than five thousand clear and accessible entries and covers a wide range of people, places, and topics. From Genesis to Revelation, the whole of salvation history is presented and explained in smart, easy-to-understand prose. Catholic Bible Dictionary is an invaluable source of information, insight, and guidance for Catholics and others who are interested in enriching their understanding of Sacred Scripture. Scott Hahn draws from two millennia of scholarship to create an accessible and comprehensive tool for deeper and more rewarding biblical study.

Now he brings us this important reference guide, written specifically for Catholics, which contains more than five thousand clear and accessible entries and covers a wide range of people, places, and topics."

The Dictionary Of The Bible

An excellent, single-volume Catholic dictionary of the Bible written by respected Catholic Biblical scholar John L. McKenzie S. J. and originally published in 1965. Fr. John L. McKenzie, S.J., (1910-1991) was an acclaimed Catholic Scripture scholar who wrote numerous books and was the first Catholic scholar on the Divinity School faculty. He was at one time president of the Catholic Biblical Association of America and president of the Society of Biblical Literature. His Dictionary of the Bible is the best one-volume orthodox Catholic Bible dictionary available in the English language—it’s an essential reference tool that should be on the shelf of every good Catholic library. A standard reference work, providing concise descriptions of biblical characters, terms, and places, as well as pertinent illustrations and charts, this is “one of the most up-to-date and reliable dictionaries of the Bible in any language.…Magnificent in scholarship, ample in learning, frank and unhesitating in facing all the difficulties and problems, sympathetic with the varieties and diversities of other views” (Religious Education).

A standard reference work, providing concise descriptions of biblical characters, terms, and places, as well as pertinent illustrations and charts, this is “one of the most up-to-date and reliable dictionaries of the Bible in any language ..."

Catholic Dictionary

Pocket Catholic Dictionary is a comprehensive, one-volume reference work containing definitions and explanations of the key terms of Catholicism. Father Hardon has carefully selected some 2,000 entries from his original master tome of over 5,000 terms that comprise Modern Catholic Dictionary. Furthermore, this pocket edition reflects changes in the newly revised Code of Canon Law. Here are clear and concise definitions in the areas of faith, worship, morals, history, theology, spirituality. The only such dictionary compiled since Vatican Council II, and incorporating post-conciliar terms and expressions, it is alphabetically arranged with appropriate cross-references. The Appendix features the Credo of the People of God, a complete listing of popes, and an updated ecclesiastical calendar of the Roman rite with saints for each day of the year. This handy primer is a worthy companion to the author's bestselling Catholic Catechism, and one that belongs in every home library.

Furthermore, this pocket edition reflects changes in the newly revised Code of Canon Law. Here are clear and concise definitions in the areas of faith, worship, morals, history, theology, spirituality."

Saint Mary's Press Essential Bible Dictionary

Offering concise definitions for the essential people, places, events, and themes of the Holy Scriptures, this resource is designed to help Catholics deepen their understanding of the Word of God. Words and spellings come from the New American Bible and the New Revised Standard Version: Catholic Edition translations.

Offering concise definitions for the essential people, places, events, and themes of the Holy Scriptures, this resource is designed to help Catholics deepen their understanding of the Word of God."

Dictionary of the Bible

An excellent, single-volume Catholic dictionary of the Bible written by respected Catholic Biblical scholar John L. McKenzie SJ.

An excellent, single-volume Catholic dictionary of the Bible written by respected Catholic Biblical scholar John L. McKenzie SJ."

Wisdom and Sirach

This volume in the popular Ignatius Catholic Study Bible series leads readers through a penetrating study of the books of Wisdom and Sirach using the text itself and the Church's own guidelines for understanding the Bible. Ample notes accompany each page, providing fresh insights by renowned Scripture scholars Scott Hahn and Curtis Mitch as well as time-tested interpretations from the Fathers of the Church. These helpful study notes provide rich historical, cultural, geographical, and theological information pertinent to the Old Testament books—information that bridges the distance between the biblical world and our own. The Ignatius Catholic Study Bible also includes Topical Essays, Word Studies, and Charts. The Topical Essays explore the major themes of the books of Wisdom and Sirach, often relating them to the teachings of the Church. The Word Studies explain the background of important biblical terms, while the Charts summarize crucial biblical information "at a glance"

This volume in the popular Ignatius Catholic Study Bible series leads readers through a penetrating study of the books of Wisdom and Sirach using the text itself and the Church's own guidelines for understanding the Bible."

Consuming the Word

From the bestselling author of The Lamb's Supper and Signs of Life comes an illuminating work that unlocks the many mysteries of the Catholic sacrament of the Eucharist. Long before the New Testament was a document, it was a sacrament. Jesus called the Eucharist by the name Christians subsequently gave to the latter books of the Holy Bible. It was the "New Covenant," the "New Testament," in his blood. Christians later extended the phrase to cover the books produced by the apostles and their companions; but they did so because these were the books that could be read at Mass. This simple and demonstrable historical fact has enormous implications for the way we read the Bible. In Consuming the Word: The New Testament and the Eucharist in the Early Church, Dr. Scott Hahn undertakes an examination of some of Christianity's most basic terms to discover what they meant to the sacred authors, the apostolic preachers, and their first hearers. Moreover, at a time when the Church is embarking on a New Evangelization he draws lessons for Christians today to help solidify their understanding of the why it is Catholics do what Catholics do. Anyone acquainted with the rich body of writing that flows so inspiringly from the hand and heart of Dr. Hahn knows that he brings profound personal insight to his demonstrated theological expertise,” writes Cardinal Donald Wuerl in the foreword to the book. Consuming the Word continues in that illustrious tradition. It brings us a powerful and welcome guide as we take our place in the great and challenging work in sharing the Good News.

It was the "New Covenant," the "New Testament," in his blood. Christians later extended the phrase to cover the books produced by the apostles and their companions; but they did so because these were the books that could be read at Mass."

1&2 Kings

This volume in the popular Ignatius Catholic Study Bible series leads readers through a penetrating study of the First and Second Books of Kings using the biblical text itself and the Church's own guidelines for understanding the Bible. Ample notes accompany each page, providing fresh insights by renowned Bible teachers Scott Hahn and Curtis Mitch as well as time-tested interpretations from the Fathers of the Church. These helpful study notes provide rich historical, cultural, geographical, and theological information pertinent to the Old Testament book—information that bridges the distance between the biblical world and our own. The Ignatius Catholic Study Bible also includes Topical Essays, Word Studies, and Charts. The Topical Essays explore the major themes of 1 & 2 Kings, often relating them to the teachings of the Church. The Word Studies explain the background of important biblical terms, while the Charts summarize crucial biblical information "at a glance".

This volume in the popular Ignatius Catholic Study Bible series leads readers through a penetrating study of the First and Second Books of Kings using the biblical text itself and the Church's own guidelines for understanding the Bible."

The Kingdom of God as Liturgical Empire

Bestselling author and theologian Scott Hahn views the author of Chronicles as the first biblical theologian. Chronicles offers the first attempt to understand and interpret the entire sweep of Old Testament history from the creation of the world to the Israelites' return from exile. This commentary presents 1-2 Chronicles as a liturgical and theological interpretation of Israel's history. Hahn emphasizes the liturgical structure and content of Chronicles and provides fresh insight on salvation history: past, present, and future. He also shows how Chronicles provides important insights into key New Testament concepts. The book gives professors, students, and pastors a better understanding of Chronicles, salvation history, and theological interpretation of the Old Testament.

Hahn has produced something very rare: a commentary that is rigorously exegetical, profoundly theological, and a must read. This is biblical theology at its best!"

Dictionary of Biblical Theology

Lion DuFour's Dictionary of Biblical Theology is written for Catholics who want to better understand the Bible. Seventy distinguished scholars and eighteen specialized translators have collaborated to produce this classic in Catholic biblical studies. The Dictionary presents the key theological concepts of the Bible in a way helpful to both the scholar and average reader. This Updated Second Edition includes: More than 350 topics and biblical terms such as faith, the Eucharist, and prayer Solid Catholic biblical perspective Dozens of Scripture references for each topic

This Updated Second Edition includes: More than 350 topics and biblical terms such as faith, the Eucharist, and prayer Solid Catholic biblical perspective Dozens of Scripture references for each topic"

Angels and Saints

Angels and saints. Catholics tend to think of them as different from the rest of us. They’re cast in plaster or simpering on a holy card, performing miracles with superhero strength, or playing a harp in highest heaven. Yet they are very near to us in every way. In this lively book, Scott Hahn dispels the false notions and urban legends people use to keep the saints at a safe distance. The truth is that Jesus Christ has united heaven and earth in a close communion. Drawing deeply from Scripture, Dr. Hahn shows that the hosts of heaven surround the earthly Church as a "great cloud of witnesses." The martyrs cry out from heaven’s altar begging for justice on the earth. The prayers of the saints and angels rise to God, in the Book of Revelation, like the sweet aroma of incense. Dr. Hahn tells the stories of several saints (and several angels too) in a way that’s fresh and new. The saints are spiritual giants but with flesh-and-blood reality. They have strong, holy ambitions—and powerful temptations and opposition that must be overcome. Their stories are amazing and yet familiar enough to motivate us to live more beautiful lives. In this telling of their story, the saints are neither otherworldly nor this-worldly. They exemplify the integrated life that every Christian is called to live. Still, their lives are as different from one another as human lives can be. Dr. Hahn shows the heavenly Church in all its kaleidoscopic diversity—from Moses to Mary, Augustine to Therese, and the first century to the last century. Only saints will live in heaven. We need to be more like the saints if we want to live in heaven someday. Dr. Hahn shows us that our heavenly life can begin now. It must.

The prayers of the saints and angels rise to God, in the Book of Revelation, like the sweet aroma of incense. Dr. Hahn tells the stories of several saints (and several angels too) in a way that’s fresh and new."

An Introductory Dictionary of Theology and Religious Studies

Spanning the gamut from "Aaron" to "Zwingli," this dictionary includes nearly 3,000 entries written by about sixty authors, all of whom are specialists in their various theological and religious disciplines. The editors have designed the dictionary especially to aid the introductory-level student with instant access to definitions of terms likely to be encountered in, but not to substitute for, classroom presentations or reading assignments. - Publisher.

Spanning the gamut from "Aaron" to "Zwingli," this dictionary includes nearly 3,000 entries written by about sixty authors, all of whom are specialists in their various theological and religious disciplines."

1&2 Samuel

This volume in the popular Bible study series leads readers through a penetrating study of the Books of 1 & 2 Samuel using the biblical text itself and the Church's own guidelines for understanding the Bible. Ample notes accompany each page, providing fresh insights by renowned Bible teachers Scott Hahn and Curtis Mitch, as well as time-tested interpretations from the Fathers of the Church. They provide rich historical, cultural, geographical or theological information pertinent to the Old Testament book - information that bridges the distance between the biblical world and our own. It also includes Topical Essays, Word Studies and Charts. The Topical Essays explore the major themes of 1 & 2 Samuel, often relating them to the teachings of the Church. The Word Studies explain the background to important Bible terms, while the Charts summarize crucial biblical information "at a glance".

This volume in the popular Bible study series leads readers through a penetrating study of the Books of 1 & 2 Samuel using the biblical text itself and the Church's own guidelines for understanding the Bible."

The Lamb's Supper

As seen on EWTN, bestselling author Scott Hahn unveils the mysteries of the Mass, offering readers a deeper appreciation of the most familiar of Catholic rituals. Of all things Catholic, there is nothing that is so familiar as the Mass. With its unchanging prayers, the Mass fits Catholics like their favorite clothes. Yet most Catholics sitting in the pews on Sundays fail to see the powerful supernatural drama that enfolds them. Pope John Paul II described the Mass as "Heaven on Earth," explaining that what "we celebrate on Earth is a mysterious participation in the heavenly liturgy." The Lamb’s Supper reveals a long-lost secret of the Church: The early Christians' key to understanding the mysteries of the Mass was the New Testament Book of Revelation. With its bizarre imagery, its mystic visions of heaven, and its end-of-time prophecies, Revelation mirrors the sacrifice and celebration of the Eucharist. Beautifully written, in clear direct language, bestselling Catholic author Scott Hahn's new book will help readers see the Mass with new eyes, pray the liturgy with a renewed heart, and enter into the Mass more fully, enthusiastically, intelligently, and powerfully than ever before.

" The Lamb’s Supper reveals a long-lost secret of the Church: The early Christians' key to understanding the mysteries of the Mass was the New Testament Book of Revelation."

Tobit, Judith, and Esther

This next volume in the popular Ignatius Catholic Study Bible series leads readers through a penetrating study of the Old Testament books Tobit, Judith and Esther, using the biblical text itself and the Church's own guidelines for understanding the Bible. Ample notes accompany each page, providing fresh insights by renowned Bible teachers Scott Hahn and Curtis Mitch as well as time-tested interpretations from the Fathers of the Church. These helpful study notes provide rich historical, cultural, geographical, and theological information pertinent to the Old Testament book—information that bridges the distance between the biblical world and our own. The Ignatius Catholic Study Bible also includes Topical Essays, Word Studies, and Charts. The Topical Essays explore the major themes of Tobit, Judith and Esther, often relating them to the teachings of the Church. The Word Studies explain the background of important biblical terms, while the Charts summarize crucial biblical information "at a glance".

This next volume in the popular Ignatius Catholic Study Bible series leads readers through a penetrating study of the Old Testament books Tobit, Judith and Esther, using the biblical text itself and the Church's own guidelines for ..."

The Cultural Dictionary of the Bible

2000 Catholic Press Association Award Winner! Interpreting the Bible respectfully is a cross-cultural enterprise. For those who seek to understand the Bible as a document from the ancient Mediterranean world and communicate it to people in other cultures, The Cultural Dictionary of the Bible is an ideal tool. Scripture expert John Pilch gives the modern Bible reader an appreciation for the world in which each book of the Bible originated and an in-depth look at the Mediterranean personalities who populate the pages of the Bible. With more than 100 distinctive, Middle-Eastern notions, from Abba" to "Work," this collection provides a cultural system of shared interpretations of persons, things, and events relating to the Mediterranean region. By applying a social-scientific approach to interpreting the Bible, Pilch shows how a multi-cultural understanding, enriched with the discoveries and insights taken from contemporary anthropological studies, can bemused to examine the distinctive, Middle Eastern cultural world of the Bible. Since each article discusses a variety of persons, things, and events under its title, the alphabetized tale of contents presents a comprehensive list of these subjects for ready reference. Uppercase entries identify complete articles; lowercase entries list some of the related topics treated in the articles. A bibliography is provided at the end of each major article. A list of basic resources at the end of the volume presents a selection of dictionaries, atlases, and similar books for supplemental information on each topic. Preachers, readers, RCIA participants and students alike will appreciate the index to the Sunday Lectionary readings for the full three-year cycle that is provided and its citation of the words defined in the dictionary that appear in the given readings. Includes illustrations of appropriate entries. Entries include: ABBA Agriculture Alternate Reality ANGER Animals Antonia Fortress Bailey Beard Bread Blindness Boat Burial Carpenter Caves Centurion Christians CLOTHES COINS Corban COSMETICS AND JEWELRY Culture DANCE DEATH DECEPTION AND LYING DRINKING AND EATING Earrings Eating Emotions Evil Eye Eyes Fishing FORGIVENESS Fortresses Frankincense Goats Good Shepherd HAIR Hands HEALING Heaven HOLY MAN Honey Honor and Shame HOUSE HUMOR Individualism Insider/Outsider Israelite Jewelry JEWS ANDCHRISTIANS John the Baptist Judeans Laughter Life Literary Forms Lying MILITARY Milk MUSIC Mother Nazirite NONVERBAL COMMUNICATION Oath Oil Perfume Peter''s House Poor PRAYER Puns Rabbi Revenge Roads Salt Satan Sea SECRECY Shalom Shame SHEEP AND GOATS SICKNESS Sign Sin Singing SKY SMELLS AND TASTES Sorghum Space SPIRITS Stonemason SYMBOLISM Tastes Teeth Tents Translation TRAVEL Vengeance Water WEATHER Wheat Wine Wool WORK J. Pilch, PhD, teaches Scripture at Georgetown University, Washington, DC. He is the author of The Cultural World of Jesus Sunday by Sunday: Cycles A, B, C, and the leaflet Selecting a Bible Translation, published by The Liturgical Press. Other The Liturgical Press publications include his commentary on Galatians and Romans in the Collegeville Bible Commentary series, and articles in The Modern Catholic Encyclopedia, The Collegeville Pastoral Dictionary of Biblical Theology, and The Bible Today. "

With more than 100 distinctive, Middle-Eastern notions, from Abba" to "Work," this collection provides a cultural system of shared interpretations of persons, things, and events relating to the Mediterranean region."

A Concise Dictionary of Theology

This is an excellent reference tool, offering explanations of over 1000 words and phrases dating from early Christianity. An ecumenical Christian work, sensitive to Judaism, Islam, and Eastern religions with up-to-date explanations and references to reflect the latest research, an index of names and a stronger emphasis on ecumenical issues and Eastern Christianity.

This is an excellent reference tool, offering explanations of over 1000 words and phrases dating from early Christianity."

Bible Dictionary

A literacy training tool for students who are learning theology and for whom English is a second language or for those who are studying theology or scripture at the parish level. The book is a textbook with over 150 words that come with a definition and an exercise. The book is illustrated with art from Australalian Indigenous students (Aboriginals), from Darwin, Australia. The book uses simple language to explain complex theological terms or biblically based concepts. It could be used in parishes, or in junior or secondary school; in small groups or in a classroom setting. The book is ecumenical in nature and written by a Catholic Dominican Religious Sister and an Anglican Priest who teaches at Nungalinya College, Darwin.

The book is a textbook with over 150 words that come with a definition and an exercise. The book is illustrated with art from Australalian Indigenous students (Aboriginals), from Darwin, Australia."


This volume in the popular Ignatius Catholic Study Bible series leads readers through a penetrating study of the book of Joshua using the biblical text itself and the Church's own guidelines for understanding the Bible. Ample notes accompany each page, providing fresh insights by renowned Bible teachers Scott Hahn and Curtis Mitch as well as time-tested interpretations from the Fathers of the Church. These helpful study notes provide rich historical, cultural, geographical, and theological information pertinent to the Old Testament book—information that bridges the distance between the biblical world and our own. The Ignatius Catholic Study Bible also includes Topical Essays, Word Studies, and Charts. The Topical Essays explore the major themes of the book of Joshua, often relating them to the teachings of the Church. The Word Studies explain the background of important biblical terms, while the Charts summarize crucial biblical information "at a glance".

This volume in the popular Ignatius Catholic Study Bible series leads readers through a penetrating study of the book of Joshua using the biblical text itself and the Church's own guidelines for understanding the Bible."

A Basic Catholic Dictionary

Arranged in an easy-to-use compendium and dictionary format, this text is a guide to Catholic beliefs and teaching. Giving brief and succinct definitions of Catholic terms, it also contains sections on the organization of the Catholic Church.

Arranged in an easy-to-use compendium and dictionary format, this text is a guide to Catholic beliefs and teaching."

Origins of Catholic Words

"This encyclopedic dictionary discusses the etymology, history, and usage of words relating to all aspects of the Catholic Church"--

"This encyclopedic dictionary discusses the etymology, history, and usage of words relating to all aspects of the Catholic Church"--"

Historical Dictionary of Catholicism

Historical Dictionary of Catholicism, Third Edition contains a chronology, an introduction, a bibliography, the dictionary has more than 500 cross-referenced entries on themes such as baptism, contraception, labor, church architecture, the sexual abuse crisis, doctrine and theology, spirituality and worship, and church structure.

World Spirituality: An Encyclopedic History of the Religious Quest 17. New York: Crossroad, 1988. Rolheiser , Ronald . The Holy Longing: The Search for a Christian Spirituality . New York: Doubleday, 1999. Schneiders, Sandra."

Rise Up, Women of God

One day as I was sitting in church, I began to look around at the diverse group of women seated around me; the following questions raced about in my mind: Do the women know that God is deeply in love with them? That God is pursuing and longing to have a relationship with them? Do they want more? Do they know God has a specific purpose just for them? In this compelling, in-depth study of Scripture and the Catechism, we will dive into 1 John and 2 John, to find answers to these questions. Gods love for you is greater than your imagination can behold. He wants you to consume his extreme love and bestow it upon those around you. When one pours out the abundance of Gods love from their soul, they will be well on their way to a life full of purpose and meaning. Our church and the world need women to rise up and be the women that God has designed and called us to be.

When one pours out the abundance of Gods love from their soul, they will be well on their way to a life full of purpose and meaning. Our church and the world need women to rise up and be the women that God has designed and called us to be."

A Catholic Dictionary

A goldmine of information with over 5,000 entries! Clear, brief, authoritative, easy to use. Facts, definitions, clear distinctions and the Church\\'s traditional teaching without speculation, trendy opinions, compromise or dissent. Belongs in every Catholic home, school & parish!

A goldmine of information with over 5,000 entries! Clear, brief, authoritative, easy to use. Facts, definitions, clear distinctions and the Church\\'s traditional teaching without speculation, trendy opinions, compromise or dissent."

Judges and Ruth

The 20th volume in the popular Bible study series leads readers through a penetrating study of the Books of Judges and Ruth using the biblical text itself and the Church's own guidelines for understanding the Bible. Ample notes accompany each page, providing fresh insights by renowned Bible teachers Scott Hahn and Curtis Mitch, as well as time-tested interpretations from the Fathers of the Church. They provide rich historical, cultural, geographical or theological information pertinent to the Old Testament book - information that bridges the distance between the biblical world and our own. It also includes Topical Essays, Word Studies and Charts. The Topical Essays explore the major themes of Judges and Ruth, often relating them to the teachings of the Church. The Word Studies explain the background to important Bible terms, while the Charts summarize crucial biblical information "at a glance".

The 20th volume in the popular Bible study series leads readers through a penetrating study of the Books of Judges and Ruth using the biblical text itself and the Church's own guidelines for understanding the Bible."

Theological Dictionary of the Old Testament, Volume XI

This multivolume work is still proving to be as fundamental to Old Testament studies as its companion set, the Kittel-Friedrich Theological Dictionary of the New Testament, has been to New Testament studies. Beginning with father, and continuing through the alphabet, the TDOT volumes present in-depth discussions of the key Hebrew and Aramaic words in the Old Testament. Leading scholars of various religious traditions (including Roman Catholic, Lutheran, Reformed, Anglican, Greek Orthodox, and Jewish) and from many parts of the world (Denmark, France, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Israel, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United States) have been carefully selected for each article by editors Botterweck, Ringgren, and Fabry and their consultants, George W. Anderson, Henri Cazelles, David Noel Freedman, Shemaryahu Talmon, and Gerhard Wallis. The intention of the writers is to concentrate on meaning, starting from the more general, everyday senses and building to an understanding of theologically significant concepts. To avoid artificially restricting the focus of the articles, TDOT considers under each keyword the larger groups of words that are related linguistically or semantically. The lexical work includes detailed surveys of a word s occurrences, not only in biblical material but also in other ancient Near Eastern writings. Sumerian, Akkadian, Egyptian, Ethiopic, Ugaritic, and Northwest Semitic sources are surveyed, among others, as well as the Qumran texts and the Septuagint; and in cultures where no cognate word exists, the authors often consider cognate ideas. TDOT s emphasis, though, is on Hebrew terminology and on biblical usage. The contributors employ philology as well as form-critical and traditio-historical methods, with the aim of understanding the religious statements in the Old Testament. Extensive bibliographical information adds to the value of this reference work. This English edition attempts to serve the needs of Old Testament students without the linguistic background of more advanced scholars; it does so, however, without sacrificing the needs of the latter. Ancient scripts (Hebrew, Greek, etc.) are regularly transliterated in a readable way, and meanings of foreign words are given in many cases where the meanings might be obvious to advanced scholars. Where the Hebrew text versification differs from that of English Bibles, the English verse appears in parentheses. Such features will help all earnest students of the Bible to avail themselves of the manifold theological insights contained in this monumental work.

This multivolume work is still proving to be as fundamental to Old Testament studies as its companion set, the Kittel-Friedrich Theological Dictionary of the New Testament, has been to New Testament studies."

The Gospel of John

In this addition to the Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture, two well-respected New Testament scholars interpret the Gospel of John in its historical and literary setting as well as in light of the Church's doctrinal, liturgical, and spiritual tradition. They unpack the wisdom of the Fourth Gospel for the intellectual and spiritual transformation of its readers and connect the Gospel with a range of witnesses throughout the whole history of Catholicism. This volume, like each in the series, is supplemented by features designed to help readers understand the Bible more deeply and use it more effectively in teaching, preaching, evangelization, and other forms of ministry.

This volume, like each in the series, is supplemented by features designed to help readers understand the Bible more deeply and use it more effectively in teaching, preaching, evangelization, and other forms of ministry."

The Letters of St. Paul to the Thessalonians, Timothy, and Titus

New larger format, featuring larger text size and additional margin space for personal annotations! The larger format enhances both individual and group study. Scott Hahn and Curtis Mitch present insights and inspiring commentary on Thessalonians, Timothy and Titus in this latest volume of the Ignatius Study Bible series. Containing Bible study helps and tools, in addition to the Hahn-Mitch notes, they include insights from the Church Fathers, topical essays, word studies and charts, study questions, maps, and a cross-reference section.

The larger format enhances both individual and group study. Scott Hahn and Curtis Mitch present insights and inspiring commentary on Thessalonians, Timothy and Titus in this latest volume of the Ignatius Study Bible series."
